Tuesday 26 May 2009

Language-based Security

Being a computer security researcher, I am interested in various aspects of computer security. A particular goal I have is to research, and if possible, contribute to the development of techniques whereby we may protect computers automatically through enforceable high-level security policies.

One specific area of interest is in ensuring that programs don't violate local usage policies. For example, an accounting software, or say a tax return calculator, which must necessarily be granted access to confidential information, should not reveal information that we do not intend to release. What is to prevent such a program from encrypting all the financial data and sending the result to an unintended recipient?

This is where Language-based Security can be of use. Although much work still needs to be done with respect to writing high-level security policies that can intuitively capture our intended information release policies and which can automatically enforce the policies at some appropriate level (e.g. inside the operating system, or a virtual machine, or web browser), but this field has promise.

There are of course many aspects to this problem and there are many interesting techniques already developed which have merits and some obstacles. Needless to say that this is a generally difficult problem. I hope to be documenting some of my thoughts and experience in this area and on the general topic of computer security on this blog.

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